Landon Noll looking up Fremont Peak Observatory 0.8m telescope Leonid 2001 meteor squall count at Fremont Peak

Philips - Logitech USB camera setup for RedHat Linux

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If you are using a RedHat 8.0 or with an equivalent Linux 2.4.18-14 kernel, or a later 2.4 kernel then you should follow:

RH8.0 instructions

Q: What if I am running a non-RedHat Linux distribution?

A: It is also likely that a non-RH distributions will also work as long as their software as critical updates applied and below fixed critical software packages are as up to date.

© 1994-2013 Landon Curt Noll
chongo (was here) /\oo/\
$Revision: 8.1 $ $Date: 2022/07/07 23:47:07 $