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Too many demands for a single cryptographic hash function to satisfy |
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I believe it is unreasonable to expect that a single, useful cryptographic hash function can satisfy ALL requirements we effectively place given the wide variety of demands that we have today.
My concern with the NIST Cryptographic Hash Algorithm Competition is that it seeks a single candidate algorithm. Instead of a single cryptographic hash function, we need several such functions. Each of those several hash functions could be designed to better satisfy a subset of the requirements for Cryptographically sound hash functions.
Designers of cryptographic protocols and procedures would need to determine their hash function requirements and then select the appropriate hash function that was designed to meet those hash function requirements. Some may object on the basis that this would complicate cryptographic protocols and procedures. I believe that today's simplistic "one cryptographic hash function fits all" possible requirements is both wrong and naive. Instead we need specifically designed cryptographic hash functions designed to need a select set of function requirements.
Some function requirements are difficult to achieve than others. It is likely that a cryptographic hash function designed to meet those more difficult to achieve requirements will be more complex. Moreover, that added complexity comes with a performance and implementation cost. Applications that do not require the more difficult requirements could opt to use cryptographic hash functions that are likely to be less complex and easier to implement and use.
It would be nice if there were a "one cryptographic hash function fits all" that was fast and east to implement. Unfortunately the world of cryptographic mathematic appears to not allow such naive wish. We really do need standardize on more than one cryptographic hash function. We really do need those family of cryptographic hash functions to be more specifically target to useful subset of function requirements.
See How to contact Landon for my latest contact information.
It is "hard to find" x
such that:
h(x) == 0BTW: This is known as resistance to the TPM hardware design flaw mega-crack.
Given x,
where 0 < x < Rit is hard to find y
such that:
h(y) == xBTW: This is also known as resistance to 1st pre-image attacks.
It is "hard to find" x,
AND it is "hard to find" y,
where x != ysuch that:
h(x) == h(y)BTW: This requirement resists finding hash collisions.
Given x,
it is "hard to find" y,
where x != ysuch that:
h(x) == h(y)BTW: This resists finding a hash collision for a particular given value.
Given x,
AND given y,
where x != yit is "hard to find" p,
where 0 ≤ (p | x) < R,such that:
AND where 0 ≤ (p | y) < R
h(p | x) == h(p | y)OR
it is "hard to find" q,
where 0 ≤ (x | q) < R,such that:
AND where 0 ≤ (y | q) < R
h(x | q) == h(y | q)BTW: This is known as the suffix or prefix collision attack.
Given x,
AND given y,
where x != y,it is "hard to find" j,
where j != ksuch that:
AND where either j or k (but not both) may be empty,
AND where (j | x) != (k | y)
AND where 0 ≤ (j | x) < R
AND where 0 ≤ (k | y) < R
h(j | x) == h(k | y)OR
it is "hard to find" p,
AND it is "hard to find" q,
where p != qsuch that:
AND where either p or q (but not both) may be empty,
AND where (x | p) != (y | q)
AND where 0 ≤ (x | p) < R
AND where 0 ≤ (y | q) < R
h(x | p) == h(y | q)BTW: This is a more general form of the suffix or prefix collision attack that allows for different prefixes or suffixes to be used.
It is "hard to find" x
such that:
h(x) is a power of 2OR
The 2's compliment of h(x) is a power of 2BTW: The first case means it is hard to find a value that, when hashed, will produce a value with only a single bit set to 1. The second case means it is hard to find a value that, when hashed, will produce a value with only a single bit set to 0.
Given x,
it is "hard to find" y,
such that:
h(x) + 1 == h(y)OR
such that:
h(x) - 1 == h(y)
Foreach 0 ≤ y < D,
there exists at least one value x,
where 0 ≤ x < Rsuch that:
h(x) == yBTW: This means that the hash function is able output all possible domain values.
Given x,
it is "hard to find" N,
where 1 < N < Bsuch that:
hN(x) == 0
Given x,
it is "hard to find" y,
it is "hard to find" N,
where 1 < N < Bsuch that:
hN(y) == x
It is "hard to find" x,
it is "hard to find" y,
where x != yAND it is "hard to find" N,
where 1 < N < Bsuch that:
hN(x) == hN(y)BTW: This resists finding any hash collision by repeated hashing.
Given x,
it is "hard to find" y,
where x != yAND it is "hard to find" N,
where 1 < N < Bsuch that:
hN(x) == hN(y)BTW: This resists finding a hash collision by repeated hashing for a particular given value.
It is "hard to find" x,
it is "hard to find" y,
where x != yAND it is "hard to find" M,
where 2 < M < BAND it is "hard to find" N,
where 1 < N < Msuch that:
hN(x) == hM(y)
Given x,
it is "hard to find" y,
where x != yAND it is "hard to find" M,
where 2 < M < BAND it is "hard to find" N,
where 1 < N < Msuch that:
hN(x) == hM(y)
Given x,
given an O(1) non-degenerate elementary function f(y),
where 0 ≤ f(y) < Dit is "hard to find" z
for all y,where 0 ≤ y < R
such that:
f(h(x)) == h(z)BTW: This means that one cannot find two values whose hash has an elementary relationship.
Don't be fooled by the word elementary. Here the word elementary refers to an function that falls under the scope of elementary number theory. Elementary functions can be quite complex!
Simple examples include:
f(x) == 2*(x)Certain degenerate functions are excluded. For example, this function is excluded:
f(x) == x2 mod D
f(x) == the count of the number of 1 bits in x
f(x) == the xth prime (where the required primes have been precomputed)
f(any value) == h(z)Because it requires the h(z) ti be known and because it always returns that pre-determined answer regardless of input.
Another example of a function that is excluded is a function that makes an exhaustive search of the entire hash space returning the first collision discovered after the hash space has been searched. This brute force exhaustive search function would run in constant time (because it always does a complete search of the same sized space before turning an answer). However for realistic hash space sizes, such a brute force function is impractical to run to completion.
Given x,
given an O(1) non-trivial elementary function f(z),
where 0 ≤ f(z) < Dit is "hard to find" N,for all z in the half open interval [0,R)
where 1 < N < BAND it is "hard to find" y
such that:
f(hN(x)) == h(y)BTW: This means that one cannot find a compound hash of a value that has an elementary relationship with the hash of another value.
See the "Function-related pre-image collision resistant hash map" requirement for details on non-trivial elementary functions.
For any set UN
where 0 < N < Bthe hash of each member of UN
AND where the values UN have been "uniformly distributed" over the half open interval [0,R) by a "cryptographically sound deterministic bit generator"
appears to be "uniformly distributed" over the half open interval:
BTW: This means that the hash of random values appears to be well distributed across the hash function domain.
For a given N,
where 0 < N < B,the concatenation of the hash of each member of UN appears to be a sequence generated by a "cryptographically sound deterministic bit generator".
BTW: This means that the hash function acts as a cryptographically sound deterministic bit generator that was seeded by UN. That is:
h(UN[0]) | h(UN[1]) | ... h(UN[N-1])passes the requirements for output of from a "cryptographically sound random bit generator".
For a given N,
where 0 < N < B,AND for a given set UN that was generated over the half open interval [0,R) by a "cryptographically sound deterministic bit generator",
h(UN[x]) xor h(UN[x] xor 2i)passes the requirements for output of from a "cryptographically sound random bit generator".
BTW: Randomly changing an input bit will appear to randomly change about half the output bits. Moreover, the output bit positions that change appear to be randomly selected.
This is a given cryptographic hash function.
The range (R) and domain (D) of the hash function h(x). In particular:
For all 0 ≤ x < R: 0 ≤ h(x) < D
This value is known as the "birthday domain limit" In particular:
B = floor(sqrt(D))where floor() is the floor function and sqrt() is the square root function.
This is the bit width of the output of the hash function. In particular:
W is the smallest value such that 2W ≥ D
A compound hash function. Example:
h3(x) == h(h(h(x)))
The lifetime of the hash function. In particular:
L is the amount time where h(x) is expected to be used. After period T, h(x) will become deprecated for use.The value L is expected to be defined by either the hash function creators and/or the hash standard.
A large collection of classical (non-quantum) computers. The value C is expected to be defined by either the hash function creators and/or the hash standard.
A very small probability that is 0 < P < 1. The value P is expected to be defined by either the hash function creators and/or the hash standard. P is not an unsigned integer.
The bit-wise concatenation of the values p AND x.
These variables are in the half open interval [0,R).
A solution is said to be "hard to find" if C classical (non-quantum) computers working constantly over the hash function lifetime L, has a probability of discovering a solution is ≤ P.
A set of N unique values such that:
0 < N < DForeach 0 ≤ i < N
0 ≤ UN[i] < DForeach 0 ≤ i < N-1
Foreach i+1 ≤ j < NUN[i] != UN[j]
A "true random source" is a theoretical random bit generator that is perfect in every way. The next value produced is completely uncorrelated with all previous values.
Random bit statistical tests that run in polynomial time determine the likelihood (or lack thereof) that a given finite set of data could have been produced by a "true random source".
For a sequence of generated bits to pass a statistical test, said sequence must pass with the same level of confidence as an equivalent length sequence from a true random source.
A "cryptographically strong random bit generator" passes all statistical tests that run in polynomial time asymptotically. It will pass any statistical test for randomness that does not require an exponentially increasing to infinite amount of time to run. All such polynomial time statistical tests will be unable to distinguish the random bit generator from a "true random source".
The values produced by the generator are random in an absolutely precise way. There is absolutely no better way to predict the sequence than by tossing a coin. Furthermore, having a large chunk of output from the random bit generator does not help in predicting past or future values.
A "cryptographically sound random bit generator" is a very high quality random bit generator that is almost certainly a "cryptographically strong random bit generator". While the generator lacks a formal proof, there should exist a solid and well reasoned argument for its cryptographic strength.
A "cryptographically sound random bit generator" will pass statistical tests with a very high level of confidence. In fact, sound generators will pass tests at the same confidence level as strong generators. In particular, any standard battery of statistical tests for randomness, when given a statistically significant amount of data, will not be able to distinguish the random bit generator from a "true random source".
Some requirements may overlap other requirements. The list of requirements is not intended to be a minimal set of requirements.
The list of requirements listed is not intended to be an exhaustive list of requirements.
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