Landon Noll looking up Fremont Peak Observatory 0.8m telescope Leonid 2001 meteor squall count at Fremont Peak

How to redirect browsers to a different page

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How to redirect browsers to a different page - redirect demo

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META refresh tag - browser redirect method

If a web page contains the following META tag in the HEAD section:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" content="10; url=index.html">

Then it will cause a browser to junk to the index.html URL in 10 seconds.

Typically such a META tag is placed before the TITLE tag.

You can see this in action by clicking on the redirect-demo link.

© 1994-2013 Landon Curt Noll
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$Revision: 8.1 $ $Date: 2022/07/07 23:11:05 $