Landon Noll looking up Fremont Peak Observatory 0.8m telescope Leonid 2001 meteor squall count at Fremont Peak
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Landon Curt Noll's Astronomical Vita

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To make contributions to the the Science of Astronomy. To make technical and/or observational contributions to astronomical research programs. To increase my understanding and to promote research in astronomical subfields such as:

My plan for the next X<10 years

Notable Observations and Accomplishments

See my Astronomny page for a detailed list.


I give / have given a number of lectures on behalf of the Fremont Peak Observatory Association on various topics related to Astronomy. The following is a partial list of topics:



Memberships - Astronomy Related

My journal and magazine subscrptions related to Astronomy

Non-Astronomy Related Scientific Contributions

I have also made a number of contributions in the fields of: For a list of Papers & Publications as well as my lists of Honors / Awards, please see my bio.

© 1994-2022 Landon Curt Noll
chongo (was here) /\oo/\
$Revision: 7.8 $ $Date: 2022/07/07 22:33:35 $