#!/usr/bin/env perl # # mail - mail indexing routine for savelog # # usage: # mail file [indx] # # file the filename to index # indx the index name (default based on file) # usage # use strict; use bytes; # my vars # $ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"; $ENV{IFS} = " \t\n"; $ENV{SHELL} = "/bin/sh"; delete $ENV{ENV}; delete $ENV{GZIP}; # my $file; # input filename my $indx_file; # filename of the index file my $gunzip; # gunzip binary # my $line; # current line my $prev; # previous line or undef # my $line_len; # length of the current line my $subject; # previous subject line found my $offset; # current file octet offset my $start; # start of element my $seg_len; # segment length my $end_hdr; # 1 => end of header found # parse args # if (!defined $ARGV[0]) { print STDERR "usage: $0 file indx\n"; exit 1; } $file = $ARGV[0]; if (defined $ARGV[1]) { $indx_file = $ARGV[1]; } else { ($indx_file = "$file.indx") =~ s/\.gz\.indx$/.indx/; } # untaint arg # if ($file =~ m#^([-\@\w./+:%,][-\@\w./+:%,~]*)$#) { $file = $1; } else { die "$0: file has bad chars\n"; } if ($indx_file =~ m#^([-\@\w./+:%,][-\@\w./+:%,~]*)$#) { $indx_file = $1; } else { die "$0: indx_file has bad chars\n"; } # determine the name of the index file # if ($file =~ /\.gz$/) { if (-x "/bin/gunzip") { $gunzip = "/bin/gunzip"; } elsif (-x "/usr/bin/gunzip") { $gunzip = "/usr/bin/gunzip"; } elsif (-x "/usr/local/bin/gunzip") { $gunzip = "/usr/local/bin/gunzip"; } elsif (-x "/usr/gnu/bin/gunzip") { $gunzip = "/usr/gnu/bin/gunzip"; } elsif (-x "/usr/freeware/bin/gunzip") { $gunzip = "/usr/freeware/bin/gunzip"; } else { $gunzip = "gunzip"; } } # open the filename or gunzip it # if ($file =~ /\.gz$/) { open(FILE, "$gunzip -c -f -q $file|") || die "cannot gunzip $file\n"; } else { open(FILE, "<$file") || die "cannot open file: $file\n"; } # open the index file # if ($indx_file =~ m#^([-\@\w./+:%,][-\@\w./+:%,~]*)$#) { $indx_file = $1; } else { die "file: $file and index file: $indx_file has bad chars\n"; } open(INDX, ">$indx_file") || die "cannot open index file: $indx_file\n"; # scan the entire file # $prev = undef; $subject = undef; $offset = 0; $start = 0; $seg_len = 0; $end_hdr = 0; while (defined($line = )) { # detect the start of a new message # if (defined $prev && $prev eq "\n" && $line =~ /^From /) { # new segment - print the previous segment info # if (defined $subject) { print INDX "$start\t$seg_len\t$subject\n" || die "write error #1: $indx_file: $!\n"; } else { print INDX "$start\t$seg_len\t\n" || die "write error #2: $indx_file: $!\n"; } # prep for the new segment # $subject = ""; $start = $offset; $seg_len = 0; $end_hdr = 0; } # watch for the end of the header # if (!$end_hdr && $line eq "\n") { $end_hdr = 1; } # watch for the Subject line # if (!$end_hdr && $line =~ m#^Subject:\s+(.*)$#) { $subject = $1; } # count the line length - prep the previous line # $line_len = length($line); $seg_len += $line_len; $offset += $line_len; $prev = $line; } # deal with the last segment # if (defined $subject) { print INDX "$start\t$seg_len\t$subject\n" || die "write error #3: $indx_file: $!\n"; } # all done # close INDX; close FILE; exit(0);